
If your passwords are less than 8 characters long, you must change them immediately, according to a recent study from Hive Systems.

Your online security is important and this study demonstrates how long it would likely take the average hacker to crack the passwords safeguarding your most important online accounts.

Short and simple passwords can be cracked in a matter of seconds. Long and complicated ones? Trillions of years.

Password Security HCSL

We’ve reached the end of the year!

Thank you!

For giving us another fantastic and very busy year. We are proud to

have you as part of our community.

Your loyalty and feedback have powered meaningful discussions, as well as countless

improvements and additions to how our software can work best for all of our clients.

For that, we really appreciate your input. 

To the many new clients who have joined us this year,

we are so excited to have you on board and we look forward to what the

next year has to bring. 

In 2022

We have some exciting new updates and features coming to the

HCSL software, we are looking forward to showing you all when the time comes. 

We are officially closing the office on

23rd December and will be returning on 10th January.

We will continue to provide on-call support.

For all other enquires CONTACT US and we will respond on our return.

We wish you all the best as we head into the Christmas and New Year break.

Take care of yourselves, your family and your friends and enjoy the summer.

HCSL Oct 21 Newsletter

Thank you, Gillian, for all your support. The Healthcare Compliance Solutions Ltd (HCSL) aged care program gives a structured clear pathway through the obstacle course of Certification.

The HSCL program was extremely user friendly and appears very nicely laid out and easy to locate care plans and patient’s information. The general feedback from the staff has been positive.

The policies and procedures were easy to follow, and well presented. We appreciated how thorough these policies were, and how much work had gone into developing them.

We all felt well supported throughout, and it was so nice knowing that you were on the end of the phone/email or zoom. Even when we met in person, you were incredibly positive and encouraging, thank you!

We would recommend this system to anyone needing assistance with the challenge that is Certification.

Barbara Adams

Board Chair-person /Acting Manager.

The following is contributed by Infection Prevention and Control Consultant (RN) Ruth Barrett –

I am 61 years old, a practicing nurse and recently I had a little celebration. I received my 2nd COVID-19 vaccination from a lovely team in Ashburton Hospital in Canterbury.

I feel like celebrating because I have played a small part towards helping New Zealand (and the world) fight this pandemic and get it under control. By having the vaccine, I am helping to keep my whanau and friends safe from catching the virus from me if I get infected, especially if I don’t have any symptoms. It also means I am happier to continue to look after vulnerable people, knowing I won’t be passing on the virus. It is reassuring to know that the vaccine will stop me getting really sick and ending up in hospital or worse. So, if we do have another large outbreak, my hospital bed can go to someone else.

We are lucky in New Zealand to have access to a vaccine that is very safe and very effective, and recent reports show that it is also works against the new variants that are out there.

I was a little nervous about getting the second dose and how I would feel afterwards. Although I have the influenza vaccine every year without any side effects, this time I needed two jabs. But in the end it was all good – I only needed two paracetamols about 6 hours later, had a good sleep, and then, apart from a sore arm for a day and a half, I felt fine.

Of course, I know that vaccinations are not the only thing that keeps us safe – all our public health measures and infection prevention and control activities are just as important. But if you are a healthcare worker, a parent, a partner, a friend, a child, a sibling, a grandchild or other, you can make a difference in your community by having the COVID-19 vaccine.

Ruth Barratt RN, BSc, MAdvPrac (Hons), CICP-E

Infection Prevention and Control Consultant

Christchurch, New Zealand

Boards of any organisation should be well placed to provide strong and transparent governance. This means the members of the board all need to understand the organisation structure, strategy, finances, client base, market changes and employees for the context in which they are operating.  This includes knowledge of behaviours, culture and ethics. The behaviours of all organisational board members gets reflected in employees to set the culture within the workplace which is experienced by the clients and those advocating for them, their family/whanau and friends.

The skill of judgement is necessary for board members to base decision-making on a set of agreed standards or a clearly defined constitution, organisation vision/mission or philosophy.   To have a progressive Board, there is the need to recruit board members with greater skills than already exist within the board. This ensures progressive diversity of thinking and culture based on more than gender and ethnicity.  A greater diversity is needed to also include creativity, innovation, current commercial practice knowledge, information givers and information seekers to increase depth of conversation and concepts being explored.  The Board member profile could do well to include these attributes, abilities and skills. Collectively they need to advance the organisation purpose, vision/mission or philosophy in a way that meets client current and future needs.

Boards are not the place for the faint-hearted or those at the end of career who simply ‘want to give back’ who may base todays decisions on yesterday outdated models.  Diversity will become a more visible part of boards with the introduction of the new Health and Disability Service Standards later this year.  While they are currently in draft, it seems clear the final version will require more diversity within boards. This will include increased desire for Maori representation and inclusion on Boards.  As American diversity advocate and activist Verna Meyers says, “Diversity is being invited to the party, inclusion is being asked to dance”.

If Maori representation isn’t part of your board make-up, it may be advantageous to look at forming relationships with local Iwi who fit the attributes needed to fit your board member profile. All Board members will need to be available, ethics driven, commercially aware and able to contribute.  The Board Chair will need to show these same attributes and also provide consistent innovative, clearly communicated strategic leadership.  The Board as a whole will also need to be agile in their response to unplanned events.  2020 and the emergence of COVID-19 reminded us of this.  It appears 2021 and into the foreseeable future will also present the need for agile thinking and innovation. I suggest now is the right time to review how your board is made up and how effectively they perform.  How can this be improved in your organisation?  

Nurse consultant Healthcare Compliance Solutions Ltd

As a RN, Facility Manager and Consultant in Aged Care I have used various Aged Care software packages over the years.

Feedback I have received from RNs and caregivers using HCSL system includes the following:

  • Takes less time to find information about residents
  • More resident focused and less task focused than using tick box task lists.
  • Able to edit information quickly.
  • Easy to upload and save information in the documents folder.
  • Easier to do monthly quality analysis as the information is quicker to find.

I am very impressed with HCSL software as I have found it delivers in the following ways and is:

  • Intuitive  and timesaving – the software prompts the operator – for example to create a short term care plan if documenting an  adverse event  such as wound care. The one click action means less time taken trying to open a new screen or change functions such as finding care plans or progress notes.
  • Quality Assurance is able to be maintained in a timely and comprehensive manner with an internal audit system and corrective action logs in addition to monthly analysis of adverse events and infections.
  • NZ ARC compliance requirements are continuously updated – in care

planning, and resident information requirements documentation and procedures and policies in the individualised  Facility  Documentation library.

  • Very responsive service- the  HCSL team quickly respond to questions and  seek and use client feedback to continuously develop and extend the software capabilities. HCSL is   New Zealand based so information is relevant to nursing and care giving in New Zealand.
  • Developed and managed by a very experienced NZ Nursing leader in aged care who has comprehensive knowledge of and experience in quality and compliance systems in NZ aged care.

Anne Sheard, RN.

I must say I love HCSL Version 2 software from an Admin perspective – It’s really simple to navigate through and I have added our Accountant as a user as well as she accesses Resident NOK information for sending accounts to etc.


It has also meant we have been able to delete a lot of Excel Spreadsheets we had in place for some of the information that is already gathered for us by your software automatically and all in one place!


Naomi Nailor

Village Manager – Springlands Lifestyle Village (Blenheim)

November 2020


We have been working with Gillian and Healthcare Compliance Solutions Ltd (HCSL) for more than 4 years.

Compassion, quality of care services and their drive for excellence inspired by the quest for  excellence in care put Gillian and her  team at HCSL in a league of Its own.

In the ever evolving science of aged care,  HCSL systems and aged care software program has proven itself not only as a world class quality health system but also demonstrates that it’s  person centred  and current  best practice. It  is designed and developed based on scientific evidence to ensure the delivery of best quality of care and  supporting  best quality of life to all our clients.

The inclusive, consultative and the facility specific approach of Gillian and her team is absolutely outstanding with constant follow up on changes. These include new improved plans to ensure the best quality of care, practices and  bench-marking incorporating the latest best practices, outcome based, with the main focus on quality of care and safety for our residents and staff at all times.

Using HCSL and all the quality services it provides ensures we are up to date with the latest policies and procedures relevant to the current care practices. It also gives us peace of mind that we are audit ready at any given time.

Based on these systems, our residents are cared for in the best possible way resulting in the high demand for our care services and Holly Lea being a highly sought after facility.

For peace of mind and knowing you are dealing with the best quality system in Healthcare we cannot recommend HCSL highly enough.

Juliane Brand (RN, MPH)

General Manager

Holly Lea Village

Thanks so much for the help at Rosewood. You did a fantastic job.

I have four facilities using HCSL. I have been impressed with HCSL. I frequently access it from home and on my phone. Because remote access is via the internet it enables me to interchange between HCSL and the medication chart easily unlike other systems that require remote access in via Citrix which “takes over” the computer. Log in is secure but quick.

Residents are easily searched for and once a file is open it immediately directs me to produce a new progress note. Care planning functions are easy to review and there is a simple tool for medical classifications with common conditions in a drop down list with room for free text below. On the whole this is an easy tool to access and one of the less cluttered programmes I have used.

Dr Hillary Currie-Gray
