HCSL Aged Care Software incorporates quality and risk, bench-marking, internal audit management systems as well as clinical functions) and how to use them. These systems have all been audited numerous times for ARC provider Certification with maximum four year outcomes being achieved where the system is fully implemented. Tried and testing; pre-approved audit compliant.
Please click on the following links (the blue words below) to watch videos which describe the functions of the HCSL Aged Care cloud-based aged care software.
Gives you a general over-view of the key Dashboard and Resident clinical management functions available as at December 2019.
Guides you in how to upload or change a resident photo within their online profile
Guides you in how to add, view or search resident progress notes.
The HCSL system functions are able to be used in their entirety or some care providers use only the policies and procedures with the dashboard for quality and risk management; while others use the full system including the care planning and progress notes.
We have several care provider sites currently who have become paperless using the HCSL system in conjunction with Time-target, Medimap or 1chart and InterRai. The mix of paper based and IT based depends on your site, the IT skills of your staff and their access to computers. There are a range of service options available depending on what suits your current circumstances. To find out more about the service level options available click here
We continue to add features to evolve the system in response to changes in clients and industry needs. This evolution is intended to be an ongoing process and we look forward to your feedback and ideas. Each change is considered on the basis of how it can be used by clients to ease their workload, streamline and save time while giving useful information.
HCSL Aged Care software systems are created by Healthcare Compliance Solutions Ltd through Version 1 or for version 2. Access codes are provided to clients with a current service agreement in place.
If you would like more information on the services which are available click here.
If you would like to receive our HCSL Aged Care newsletter which is published every 6-8 weeks, email us on gill@agedcarecompliance.com with your contact details. This is also the email address if you have any further questions on HCSL software and services.
HCSL are pleased to announce that from January 2018, you will be able to access clinical online tools for:
- Initial assessment and initial care plan.
- Short term care plans (and evaluations)
- Long term care planning (and evaluations)
- Progress notes
- Restraint/ Enabler restraint management (and evaluations)
All mobile device compatible so you can be with your residents rather than stuck in the office!
HCSL bringing cost effective, specifically designed tools for the New Zealand residential care sector. The Corporates have their tools, why shouldn’t you have the same advantage?!
To find out more and get a no obligation free quote for use contact us here.

Mobile app now available for conducting your residential care ARRC specific internal audits.
There are a full range of internal audits pre-loaded ready for use. Collectively, these audits reflect the criteria Certification auditors will be checking.
This process gives you the opportunity to be sure you’re on track with achieving compliance. The findings auto-populate into corrective action tables which prompt timely addressing of these corrective actions. This system syncs with your main computer system and makes reporting to management and Governance boards very easy.
The Certification auditors (after given specific access authority with your permission) are also able to access the results of the internal audits you’ve completed.
To view a brief video on the use of this system, click here.
We provide a number of aged residential care education workshops throughout the year. Topics include:
- Code of Rights (includes Advocacy, Informed consent, Privacy, Advance Directives, Open Disclosure, Complaint management)
- Conflict Resolution
- Cultural and Spiritual Safety
- Restraint (including Enablers) safe practice and minimization
- Challenging behavior management (including de-escalation strategies)
- Clinical documentation and managing clinical risk
- Quality and Risk management
- Infection prevention and control surveillance
- Death and dying – loss and grief
- Leadership skills for managers and nurses
- Intimacy and sexuality in the elderly
- Skills for orientation ‘buddies’
- Stress management and
- Advanced communication skills
The workshops will initially be held in Christchurch however could be presented in other areas if the interest is high enough. Please feel free to contact us with your requests.
Research indicates that 80% of clients transferring their business (and money) to another service provider leave without ever saying a word. Independent consumer surveys gain feedback in a pro-active way that empowers clients and increases client retention.
We conduct surveys on your behalf to gain stakeholder feedback on their perception of your service. Their responses are analysed and a documented report is completed which identifies areas of perceived excellence in service provision and identifies opportunities for improvement where these have been identified.
Gaining stakeholder (i.e.; family/whanau) feedback is a health sector audit requirement and you need to be seen to be utilising the information gained which is what we support you to achieve. Use our time rather than your own!
To find out more click here.
Coaching (sometimes referred to as Mentoring) is a process which supports you making gains beyond that which you thought possible! As a Business man or Business woman you inject your own energy and personality into your business. Is your business lacking energy and productivity or growth? Is that a reflection of you?
People tend to avoid having a close look at themselves and then wonder why their success isn’t as great as they see being achieved by others. Coaching and Mentoring are an opportunity for you to be a leader in your field of expertise; not a follower!
Coaching provides the opportunity for you to have a confidential working relationship with an experienced coach to eliminate limiting factors and enhance your skills, focus, knowledge and competence.
- Gain satisfaction in your life, work role, health and fitness, finances, leisure activities and overall enjoyment of life!
- Gain in confidence and self-esteem!
- Enjoy a ‘bigger’ more enriched life!
- Ensure the work role you perform is matched with your personality!
- Gain clarity on what you want from your business?
- Achieve things you wish you could achieve but thought weren’t possible?
- Are you ready to change?
All these aspects of life CAN CHANGE! You deserve MORE!
Through participating in Coaching you can make gains you never thought possible. For me there is nothing more satisfying than seeing you have “light-bulb moments” which propel your life forward. Coaching is not the same as Counselling and does not dwell on the past. You can not change past events, however through Coaching you can dramatically alter your future direction and focus by changing patterns to make better choices and gain improved results in your future.
The relationship between Client and Coach puts you in charge and is based on trust, is non-judgmental and is a confidential partnership designed to achieve the gains you desire. Sessions are one-to-one however you may also like to attend some of our workshops which include:
- Goal setting
- Motivation
- Communication skills
- Stress management
- Gaining balance in life
- Self-esteem and confidence building
- Successful relationships ( range of topics in this category)
As a Registered Nurse, experienced Business Manager and Certified Coach, Gillian looks forward to receiving a message from you to say you’re ready to take your life to the next level.
Don’t waste any more time – make contact with us today to start investing in your future.
Clinical Supervision follows a similar path to professional coaching and mentoring however is focused on clinical nursing practice. Clinical Supervision provides one-on-one support for Registered and Enrolled Nurses to improve their skills and knowledge through reflective processes.
Clinical Supervision is a confidential service which follows a similar path to professional coaching and mentoring, however it is focused on reflective nursing practice. Clinical Supervision provides one-on-one support for Registered and Enrolled Nurses working in the Residential Care setting to improve your skills and knowledge through reflective processes.
Clinical supervision generally takes place in a neutral environment so that you have privacy which allows you to discuss freely the issues affecting you in your nursing role. We utilise an eclectic approach to coaching, incorporating a number of coaching models to assist you in achieving optimum outcomes.
Working in residential care especially when there is only one Registered Nurse working at a facility, can be very isolating. Clinical Supervision is a great opportunity to ensure Nurses are on track with their nursing practice and keeping up with best practice in residential aged care. This is also a great opportunity to access expertise that provides peer support and prompts reflective practice.
Contact Info
+ 027 601 6400 (Director)