
HCSL Oct 21 Newsletter
Alexander Rest Home

“HCSL has been incredibly easy to navigate since we went live on the system on the 1st of October. Our team have people with varying levels of technology literacy and the ease of this system has meant that staff are more confident to use technology and see how it can help to improve time management by not having to double or triple up on written documentation.”


Alexander House Rest Home

Receiving emails from our clients who have made the transition from paper-based to digital give us a lot of satisfaction. One provider who had been under DHB monitoring after an audit that didn’t achieve as well as they could have said they saved $100,000 after implementing the HCSL programme.  They had been spending a lot of time researching, writing and submitting corrective actions to audit findings for quite some time.  This doesn’t happen anymore. They have no findings!

Comments which reflect how very easy they found the process of transition reinforce our concept of where possible we opt for one click instead of two in our design processes.  Some client had used other digital packages in the past which they described as cumbersome and clumsy.  Those packages didn’t integrate with other packages so to find all the information needed, staff had to use multiple sources of information.  This made some reluctant to try something new.  Arriving on site at a client one day Gillian was taken to meet two care staff.  Both were very excited to tell her how due to them both having dyslexia, neither had been able to write their own notes before.  Now with the simplicity combined with spell-check in the digital progress notes, they were able to write their own notes.

The co-design of solutions with our clients maintains the philosophy of simplicity being as easy to use as a basic mobile phone or Facebook.

Early on we identified inequity between the resources available to corporate owned multi-site providers and independently or small group owned aged care services. This inequity, in conjunction with shortages of staff led us to work alongside aged care, retirement village and community services to design a one-stop-shop programme and in 2015 HCSL aged care software  went LIVE.  It has continued to be developed since then to a fully cloud based solution.

Clients said they’d like everything in one place. Despite there being other options we were continually pressured to create a NZ specific product that supports not only benchmarking, quality and risk but also all aspects of providing care while incorporating compliance throughout each aspect of the programme.

The integration with Medi-map medication administration systems will further streamline access to resident care information for remote assessment and treatment planning.  More integrations are underway currently to support as seamless flow of resident information regardless of where those needing information to provide care are situated. Clinical records are now accessible and able to be updated from anywhere with an internet / wi-fi connection.

Having been appointed as the step-in temporary manager at Rosewood Resthome and Hospital during the COVID-19 outbreak, Gillian Robinson was able to implement HCSL cloud-based software for telehealth support This programme was literally set up overnight and being used by staff with no training as there simply wasn’t time.  The great test for the system was to note the staff were able to successfully use the digital online care-planning and progress notes without any training other than to be supplied their login.  The uploading of a photograph of a wound for the doctor to review remotely was able to done easily after watching the 5 minute instructional video on ‘how to’.

Community, Disability services and mental health residential services along with retirement villages throughout NZ are now enjoying efficient cloud based records.  To find out how you can use this ready to use, NZ specific programme contact us.

I must say I love HCSL Version 2 software from an Admin perspective – It’s really simple to navigate through and I have added our Accountant as a user as well as she accesses Resident NOK information for sending accounts to etc.


It has also meant we have been able to delete a lot of Excel Spreadsheets we had in place for some of the information that is already gathered for us by your software automatically and all in one place!


Naomi Nailor

Village Manager – Springlands Lifestyle Village (Blenheim)

November 2020


We have been working with Gillian and Healthcare Compliance Solutions Ltd (HCSL) for more than 4 years.

Compassion, quality of care services and their drive for excellence inspired by the quest for  excellence in care put Gillian and her  team at HCSL in a league of Its own.

In the ever evolving science of aged care,  HCSL systems and aged care software program has proven itself not only as a world class quality health system but also demonstrates that it’s  person centred  and current  best practice. It  is designed and developed based on scientific evidence to ensure the delivery of best quality of care and  supporting  best quality of life to all our clients.

The inclusive, consultative and the facility specific approach of Gillian and her team is absolutely outstanding with constant follow up on changes. These include new improved plans to ensure the best quality of care, practices and  bench-marking incorporating the latest best practices, outcome based, with the main focus on quality of care and safety for our residents and staff at all times.

Using HCSL and all the quality services it provides ensures we are up to date with the latest policies and procedures relevant to the current care practices. It also gives us peace of mind that we are audit ready at any given time.

Based on these systems, our residents are cared for in the best possible way resulting in the high demand for our care services and Holly Lea being a highly sought after facility.

For peace of mind and knowing you are dealing with the best quality system in Healthcare we cannot recommend HCSL highly enough.

Juliane Brand (RN, MPH)

General Manager

Holly Lea Village

Thanks so much for the help at Rosewood. You did a fantastic job.

I have four facilities using HCSL. I have been impressed with HCSL. I frequently access it from home and on my phone. Because remote access is via the internet it enables me to interchange between HCSL and the medication chart easily unlike other systems that require remote access in via Citrix which “takes over” the computer. Log in is secure but quick.

Residents are easily searched for and once a file is open it immediately directs me to produce a new progress note. Care planning functions are easy to review and there is a simple tool for medical classifications with common conditions in a drop down list with room for free text below. On the whole this is an easy tool to access and one of the less cluttered programmes I have used.

Dr Hillary Currie-Gray


I operate a medical practice that specializes in aged-care facilities in Auckland. In the last two years most have adopted a system for keeping medical file notes electronically. There are a number of systems on the market and I have experience of four. None appear to have consulted end users when developing their functions. All of them have problems, which hopefully will be ironed out over time.

HCSL is one them.  The vital medical problem list is buried within the system and clunky when you find it. Some of its navigation is not intuitive. However, compared to the others it has a clean and uncluttered feel.

The tab buttons and the boxes for inserting text are large and easy to use. The ability to find previous medical file notes within all the nursing and caregiver entries (a vital consideration) is ahead of the pack. It is also smooth as silk to access from an offsite computer.

The team behind it are much easier to access, and more responsive to feedback, than anyone else. From what I know, HCSL is the system I would use if I was running an aged-care facility.

Dr Roderick Mulgan. FRNZCGP.

We asked a random group of clients for their responses in relation to using HCSL Aged Care Cloud based software. What do you like best about the HCSL software and your current use of it? Below is their responses:
  • I like the layout of the LTCP and being able to load and access documents in the one programme.
  • At the end of the month the stats are all there done without me having to calculate; the system does that itself, love it, I print off the bar graphs for the staff to see each months results with the related information written up to show the story behind the data
  • The advantage of having HCSL software in our facility means enabling quick access to residents records for more coordinated, efficient care and securely share information with residents and other clinicians. Holly Lea is in the process of having most of the documentations online. Moving to electronic significantly improved our archiving processes and the need for physical storage space for paper records is also significantly reduced. Being able to search for a file or document from the computer rather than manually dig through a filing cabinet saves time for all of us.
  • Know it is kiwi made and covers aged care in NZ requirements
  • Analysis of data and logs for complaints and incidents
  • Ease of access and user friendly
  • Log in pages are bright and cheerful.
  • Everything is in one spot and easy to access.
  • Audit system, ease of use, easy access to forms.
  • Its clear and easy to use.
  • The Long Term Care Plan (LTCP) is much more concise, great feedback from the care staff, easy to read and understand.
  • Able to compare to the average when reviewing falls or infection rates.
  • Ability to analyse present the information e.g falls.
  • I like the ease of use – the easy to generate reports – everything being in a logical order that ties in very well with the paper files
  • Used correctly the system does pass audit, meets all the requirements of the MOH Standards.
  • Receiving the continual updates we know we always have the most updated material available to meet our MOH requirements
  • This is a central point for data gathering. We have the potential to have most information on line.
  • The system is new to our team, it is still getting established here. We are finding it quite easy to use.
  • Its web based which means I can look at it anytime and am fully up-to date always with whats happening
  • The audits are detailed, and clear
  • The bench-marking is great and easy – saving time – great reporting
  • All of it, Everything on the website is easy to find and I like the bench-marking.
  • I don’t think we utilize enough of the paperwork some things I am discovering now after 5 years of using it!
  • I like the simplicity of the software.
  • I like that it is integrated with quality documentation.
  • I like that it is cloud based.
  • I like the flat fee for use, rather than a fee the number of devices (tablets).
  • The ease of uploading resident photo and easy layout
  • Ability to easily track trends in adverse events.
  • The straight forward user friendly interface, the data analysis, the way corrective actions populate straight to the corrective actions log,

HCSL Aged Care Software incorporates quality and risk, bench-marking, internal audit management systems as well as clinical functions) and how to use them.  These systems have all been audited numerous times for ARC provider Certification with maximum four year outcomes being achieved where the system is fully implemented. Tried and testing; pre-approved audit compliant.

Please click on the following links (the blue words below) to watch videos which describe the functions of the HCSL Aged Care cloud-based aged care software.

Gives you a general over-view of the key Dashboard and Resident clinical management functions available as at December 2019.

Guides you in how to upload or change a resident photo within their online profile

Guides you in how to add, view or search resident progress notes.

The HCSL system functions are able to be used in their entirety or some care providers use only the policies and procedures with the dashboard for quality and risk management; while others use the full system including the care planning and progress notes.

We have several care provider sites currently who have become paperless using the HCSL system in conjunction with Time-target, Medimap or 1chart and InterRai. The mix of paper based and IT based depends on your site, the IT skills of your staff and their access to computers.  There are a range of service options available depending on what suits your current circumstances.  To find out more about the service level options available click here

We continue to add features to evolve the system in response to changes in clients and industry needs. This evolution is intended to be an ongoing process and we look forward to your feedback and ideas.  Each change is considered on the basis of how it can be used by clients to ease their workload, streamline and save time while giving useful information.

HCSL Aged Care software systems are created by Healthcare Compliance Solutions Ltd through Version 1 or for version 2Access codes are provided to clients with a current service agreement in place.

If you would like more information on the services which are available click here.

If you would like to receive our HCSL Aged Care newsletter which is published every 6-8 weeks, email us on with your contact details.  This is also the email address if you have any further questions on HCSL software and services.