Taking things for granted….
I ate the best crispest, crunchiest, juiciest, rosiest, sweetest most marvellous apple while I was driving home last night after attending a seminar. I had put it in my bag earlier for just such an occasion and it really was the very best apple.
You might be wondering why I’m writing about eating an apple. Well the point is I can eat an apple. I can eat an apple while driving a car. No-one should drink and drive and we are not allowed to text and drive but eating an apple while driving is still allowed.
The reason it was good to eat this most marvellous apple was that in order to eat it I first had to achieve a whole range of things. I had to have the money to pay for this crunchy crisp apple which confirms I have the financial reserves to not only pay for the petrol and maintenance for my car but also to pay for this beautiful rosy apple. I had to also remember that I liked apples along with remembering where the supermarket was to buy that most marvellous apple. I then had to recall where I’d parked my car and have the mental competence to get myself and my car and my apple out of the car-park and heading for home.
This all takes having an intact mind so I find it rather encouraging and reassuring that my mind seems to be working just fine.
To be able to eat this delicious thirst quenching juicy apple I had to have physical strength to drive my car and walk into the shop, buy the apple and walk with ease back to my car without getting short of breath in order to drive home. I had to have the muscular strength in my legs to walk, use the foot controls in my car with ease and have the physical reactions to stop in a hurry if I had to. All this being achieved while enjoying a gift of natures food, my wonderful apple. The hand dexterity needed to hold and manoeuvre that apple so I could bite the piece I wanted while steering the car was also something I take for granted. I realise I take for granted having healthy teeth to munch and crunch that beautiful apple. This all confirms my body and mind seem to still be functioning with strength and ease which I am very grateful for.
As I savoured every mouth full of this delectable apple while driving home tonight I wondered if when I’m 80 or 90 years old I will still be able to do this most enjoyable feat. I thought of all the things that must function for me to buy apples year after year. Will I have the ability to drive my car and walk into the supermarket and pick the nicest looking apple, pay for it and eat it with my natural teeth? Oh I do hope so.
To increase my odds of repeating this enjoyable drive home devouring delicious mouth full by delicious mouth full of apple, I decide I will need to take good care of myself. I will need to make sure I keep up my physical strength through regular exercise and eat a good diet to maintain a healthy weight. I will need to look after my eyesight with regular eye checks. I will remember to take regular visits to the dental hygienist and look after my teeth. I will manage my finances and enjoy reading books, socialising and learning new things to keep my mind active. And yes, I will continue to hope that with all the right self-cares and a bit of luck, when I am 80 or 90 years old I will be able to go to the supermarket to pick out the very best apple.
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